Iron County, Missouri
Iron County
Sheriff's Office
Ironton, Missouri
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220 S. Shepherd St.
Ironton, Missouri 63650

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Thank you

Thank You


I would like to personally thank all the people for assisting with the search of the missing 3 year old on Wednesday February 10, 2016.   It makes me extremely proud to live in a small community, that when the need arises, the community comes together to function as a well-organized family to undertake the task at hand. We see events take place all over the world and seldom do we see the comradery between agencies and communities all striving to reach a single goal.

Please recognize our local agencies and departments that immediately responded to the request for assistance from the Sheriff’s Office, beginning with our local State Troopers, Iron County Deputies, Iron County Ambulance crews, Pilot Knob Fire Protection District volunteers, and State Park Rangers.

Because of the weather conditions and nature of the incident, we began contacting additional agencies and requesting they send their specialized equipment to help with the search. Some of these agencies were the Missouri Highway Patrol’s special investigative unit, 2 Highway Patrol Helicopters, a Marine Unit, public relations officers, several Special Agents from the FBI with those specially trained in Forensics, and an aircraft. The Sikeston Department of Public Safety sent their Mobile Communications unit to assist in providing radio and cell service.

A special thank you to the following individuals and organizations for their support during this troubled time: Ruble's Meat Market; Wooten Farms, AV Lions Club, Bryson's Funeral Home, Casey's, The Abbey, Assembly of God Church, Ladies’ study group from Ironton First Baptist Church, The Rustler Café, Tim & Megan's Harbison, Ken & Sue Wooten, Town and Country Supermarket, the residents from Lake Killarney to offer the use of the lodge, and all the volunteers who came out to assist with the search. It’s this type of generosity that makes our community unique. Also, thanks to the news media for working so closely with us to keep the public aware of the situation.