The following forms* may be utilized for reference or completed prior to your interaction with the Sheriff’s Office. They are provided purely for your convenience and do not represent any legal advice or direction from the Iron County Office of Sheriff.
The Office of Sheriff is not responsible for any erroneous information contained within.
Land Lord Eviction
We serve a large number of eviction notices each year. The service fee for an eviction is $30.00 must be paid by money order only. Once we make service that tenant has 30 days to vacate. If he/she refuses to leave the land lord may need to contact an attorney or simply apply for a Court order which directs the sheriff to forcefully evict the tenant(s). Please see below for more information on Evictions.
Click Here for the Eviction Notice
Voluntary Statement
If you wish to complete a voluntary statement before coming into the Sheriff’s Office
Click here for the Voluntary Statement Form
Ex-parte Information
Click here to view information on how to obtain an Ex-parte.
Property Watch Request
To Request patrol of your Property while your out of town complete the form below and return to [email protected] or bring into the Iron County Sheriff's Office
Employment Application
Click here to view the job application. Once the application is complete please return to [email protected]. Applications are kept on file until the begin of a new year, January 1st, 20XX all applications are destroyed.
Crime Victims advocate
Kim Case
6605 Business 50 West
Jefferson City, MO
Phone: (660) 864-9165
Complaint Form
If you have a complaint against the Sheriff’s Office you can complete the following form to file your complaint. The form can be submitted to [email protected], mailed to 220 S. Shepherd St. Ironton, MO 63650, or brought into the Sheriff’s Office.
Click Here for the Complaint form
Eviction in Missouri:
Missouri Eviction Laws
The foundation of the Eviction Laws in Missouri are contained in Chapter 535 of the Missouri Revised Statutes. General Landlord Tenant Laws in Missouri are found in Chapter 441 of the Missouri Revised Statutes. If you are a landlord in Missouri, it is a good idea to become familiar with the eviction procedures laid out in this law.
Missouri Eviction Notice
The first step in the Missouri Eviction Process is serving the tenant with an Eviction Notice. The eviction notice must state why the tenant is being evicted, and give them a specified amount of time to correct the problem. Common reasons to serve an eviction notice on a tenant are non-payment of rent, breaching obligations in the lease, and holdover (the lease is up and the tenant will not move). Missouri law requires that an Eviction Notice be served before an eviction lawsuit can be filed. The time period for an eviction notice demanding rent is not specified, but the time period in the eviction notice to end a lease is one month from the next date rent is due.
Rent and Possession Suit
There are 2 kinds of eviction lawsuits in Missouri. The first one is called a Rent and Possession Suit. This is used to evict a tenant because the tenant has not paid rent. The landlord is required to demand the rent by serving an eviction notice before the lawsuit is filed. In order to file this suit, the landlord should go the Court that handles evictions for the jurisdiction where the property sits (this is Circuit Court in St. Louis). The landlord should tell the Court Clerk that they need to file an eviction case for Rent and Possession. There will be a filing fee. The Court will prepare a Summons and serve (deliver) it on the tenant. The Summons will tell the tenant when and where the court date is. If the tenant does not show up to court on the court date, the landlord will win by default. The judge can award possession as well as money damages. If the tenant does show up, then the judge will examine evidence and allow both sides to tell their side of the story. It is advisable that the landlord bring all witnesses, documents (eviction notice, lease, etc.), and other evidence to prove their case. If the judge rules for the landlord, the judge can award possession, damages (back rent), or both. If the judge rules for the tenant, the tenant will be able to stay.
Unlawful Detainer Suit
This is the kind of eviction case used to evict a tenant for "holding over" - not vacating after their lease is over (after the landlord gave proper notice that the lease is ending), or for tenants who have breached the terms of their lease. If a landlord needs to evict for non-payment of rent, he should use the Rent and Possesion Eviction Suit above. An Unlawful Detainer Suit proceeds the same way as the Rent and Possesion suit, with a Summons issued to the tenant, and a court date.
10 Day Appeal Period
Once the landlord wins at the original court date, the tenant has 10 days to appeal the judgment. If the tenant wants to remain in the property after the 10 days while the appeal is pending, the tenant must post a bond (give money to the court to hold) for the full amount of the judgment.
Sheriff Removal
If the tenant is still in possession of the property after the 10 day appeal period, the landlord can apply to the court to have the Sheriff remove the tenant.
Expedited Eviction in Missouri
Landlords in Missouri can request expedited eviction from the court if the tenant has caused damage equal to more than 12 months of rent, has used the property for drug related activity, or has allowed people on the property that were previously barred by the landlord.