Iron County, Missouri
Iron County
Sheriff's Office
Ironton, Missouri
Mobile Version Like us on Facebook!

Crime Tips HOTline
(573) 546-7052
or Submit Via Email

(573) 546-7051
(24 hours)

(573) 546-4000
(24 hours)

Dial 911

Email Map

220 S. Shepherd St.
Ironton, Missouri 63650

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Civil Process

The Civil Process Office serves Criminal and Civil papers for Iron County.  Statutory fees for this service are listed below. 

Statutory fees are figured Per Person plus Mileage. Two are more papers served at the same address, with the same case number, will be charged per person however only one charge for mileage. All fees should be made payable by company check or money order (NO CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS).

Our employees and the staff in the Courthouse are not permitted to give you legal advice. If you have any questions regarding the paper you were served generally there will be a listing of the attorney or party requesting the service, also listed on the service will be a court date, time, and place. Our office usually knows very little about the papers served, simply because we try to minimize our involvement unless it is a criminal matter.

(573) 546 7051 Ext 329.

Paper Type


Misc. Services


Body Attachment

$75.00 + Mileage

Sheriff Report


Civil Summons

$30.00 + Mileage

Finger Prints


Civil Subpoena

$20.00 + Mileage

Drug Test


Criminal Subpoena

No Fee + Mileage



Criminal Summons

No fee + Mileage




$30.00 + Mileage



Ex-parte/ Order Of Protection

No fee




$30.00 + Mileage



Landlord Eviction

$30.00 + Mileage







 ****$30.00 service fee required before service.