Iron County, Missouri
Iron County
Sheriff's Office
Ironton, Missouri
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Crime Tips HOTline
(573) 546-7052
or Submit Via Email

(573) 546-7051
(24 hours)

(573) 546-4000
(24 hours)

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Email Map

220 S. Shepherd St.
Ironton, Missouri 63650

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


New Release

On Thursday, February 21st at approximately 1:00 pm the Iron County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by the Belleview School Administration of a possible firearm inside the school. Deputies responded and after a thorough search recovered a single firearm. The firearm and a student were transported to the Iron County Sheriff’s Office. Since the student in question was a juvenile, the Iron County Sheriff’s Office along with the Juvenile Officer conducted a thorough investigation. At this point in the investigation it did not appear the student had any intention of harming anyone.  The matter is still currently under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office and upon competition will be forwarded to the Juvenile Court for disposition.

I do however urge people to not get there information from any other unofficial media sources, such as Facebook. The Sheriff’s Office will post information about most incidents soon as possible via Web page, newspaper and local radio channels, but only after the facts have been verified. Information being posted, not verified many times interferes with the investigation, which causes the official news release to be delayed.